============= Christmas Assignment Generator =============

Couple #1: Mom, Dad
Couple #2: Mark, Rachel
Couple #3: Kelly, Steve
Couple #4: Eric, Andrea
Couple #5: AuntBev, CloeAnn
Are these names correct?(y/n) :y

--> Assigning Mom...:5:0:1|0|5|7
--> Assigning Mark...:4:7|5
--> Assigning Kelly...:6|9
--> Assigning Eric...:1|5
--> Assigning AuntBev...:8|7|1|1|6
--> Assigning Dad...:8|2
--> Assigning Rachel...:8:9|6|6|7|5|3
--> Assigning Steve...:5:2:5:4|7|5|6|8|1|5|4|0
--> Assigning Andrea...:0|0|9|3|5|9|0|9|1|8|9|5|6|0|4
--> Assigning CloeAnn...:2|7|9|8|5|3

Mom buys for Mark and Steve
Dad buys for Andrea and Kelly
Mark buys for Steve and Dad
Rachel buys for CloeAnn and Eric
Kelly buys for Rachel and CloeAnn
Steve buys for AuntBev and Mom
Eric buys for Mark and Dad
Andrea buys for Mom and AuntBev
AuntBev buys for Andrea and Rachel
CloeAnn buys for Kelly and Eric